Walrus Trading adheres to the quality policy of supplying products that meet customer specifications and industrial standards. The company 's attainment of ISO 9001 Version 2000 is undoubtedly its benchmark for continuous quality improvement. The perfect computerized inventory control and real-time product specifications will position Walrus Trading as a strategy supplier of garment, which better meet customer 's needs.



At Walrus Trading, we value excellent quality and accurate shipment delivery time as our working spirit. To offer all customers the excellent Quality and to provide products which fully meet customer requirements the first time, on time and every time is the responsibility of everyone. All staffs are well aware that "Customer confidence in a product" means strong customer loyalty. "Failure to satisfy customer needs" means loss of business.


For Walrus Trading, the seed of quality is planted in it employees working spirit and attitude. It is through the quality building process that the staff will develop quality initiative and awareness, vital to steering the quality in manufacturing world-class garment.

As a result, for every garment manufactured in Walrus Trading 's facility, quality is guaranteed not only during each stage of the production process, but also in the "pre" and "post" production work. Walrus Trading maintains a stringent quality standard, demanding that each of its fabric and accessories suppliers also seek ISO 9001 Version 2000 Certification. Additionally, the company also applies the global customer concept in its final inspection process. Customers are; therefore, guaranteed impeccable garment, producted by well-trained and experienced staff.